Ol’ Middler Saves the Day

by Timothy A. Weeks

The ‘Seaquel’  to The Wise Mullet of Cook Bayou finds Ol’ Middler embarking on a heroic journey to rescue the Wise Mullet Goldie from a terrible hurricane. Goldie is heartbroken, because he has lost his mullet sweetheart Silver in the storm. After their suspenseful escape from flooded New Orleans, Goldie is inspired by the resiliency of the Gulf Coast and decides: “If people could rebuild, then surely a mullet could too.” The two mullet buddies return safely to Cook Bayou, and Goldie concludes that “nothing is more wondrous than an ever loyal friend.”

SIBA Book Award Nominee 2007

“Helps children understand hurricanes, loss of loved ones, and the heroism that comes in such circumstances”
Bradenton Herald

“A wonderful children’s read”
Nola Baby

“Both fish tales emphasize the importance of perseverance and making wise decisions.”
Times Picayune

“A blend of photographs and painted images make up the illustrations for Ol’ Middler Saves the Day, creating a visual world that is real while containing the fantasy aspects of a child’s imagination–highly recommended”
AllBooks Review

“Illustrated with a technique we’ve seen elsewhere but not as well done as here”
Biloxi Sun Herald

Ol’ Middler Saves the Day (A Mullet Buddy Homecoming)

Written by:
Timothy A. Weeks

Illustrator: Miss Jeanne
Digital Graphics, Additional Illustration & Layout: Lala Rascic
Editor: Kimberlee S. Bryant

ISBN 0-9779928-1-0

Published by Foolosophy Media 2006
Copyright 2006 Timothy A. Weeks